Interviews - Reviews Spain Spain Theater Spain

Helena: xuizo a unha lurpia was one of the  plays Erasmus+ students attended as part of the CIRCUÍTOS TEATRAIS organised by the City Council in Moaña. The editing was postponed until not long ago. In the video you can listen to the interview with María Barcala and  Xúlio Lago   as well as the opinion […]


Back in Spain

Cinema Spain Spain Theater Spain

Back in Moaña. Part of the team gathered for a photo. Beni Nerga, David Middleton, Lúa, Loli, Montse, …. and some students are missing in the photo. We were all proud of the work done and the award received.  Happy of having shared experiences in a festival that no one will ever forget. Thanks to […]


Theatre plays. THE CHOICE

Spain Theater Spain

Wednesday afternoon is the turn for the theatre plays. The Spanish team is the first to perform. No problem. Everything under control, except for the shirt and tie of the president! Por la tarde era el turno de las representaciones teatrales. Acordamos que mejor, sin duda estariamos menos nerviosos que al final de la muestra. […]


2nd day…2nd part: A very long day!

Spain Theater Spain

Some students leave home before seven and don’t come back till eleven pm so it is easy to understand we can fit 7 hours of rehearsal, lunch time, dinner time, open ceremony, a long theatre play… everything in one day!!! Los días se alargan hasta el infinito y más allá. La mayoría de los alumnos […]


2nd day at the festival SAFTAS

Theater Spain

Second day at the festival                        Today  is rehearsal day. The students must revise their lines and check everything is ok for the performance tomorrow. Día de ensayo. Los alumnos acompañados por una profesional trabajarán durante 7 horas para tener la obra  lista para mañana. […]


The final festival SAFTAS IS TAKING OFF!

Cinema Spain Spain Theater Spain

Arranca el festival final Saftas People get up really early in France. School starts at 8.00 am. We start the day with a meeting to talk about the programme and later go to visit the different sites where we will be working this week. Arranca el festival final SAFTAS En Francia se madruga!!! Los alumnos […]


XXII Premios de Teatro María Casares. Galician Theatre awards 2018

Theater Spain

Os XXII Premios de Teatro María Casares xa teñen gañadores e gañadoras. Así que aquí quedan algunhas suxestións para ir a ver en canto poidades. As obras ‘Elisa e Marcela’, de A Panadaría; ‘A cabeza do dragón’, de Producións Teatráis Excéntricas; e ‘Resaca’, de ilMaquinario Teatro, levan catro galardóns cada unha. Pola súa banda, ‘Outono’, […]



Theater Spain

The theatre play has already been written in Galician. Now it’s time to translate it into English. La obra de teatro que el grupo del IES AS BARXAS  de Moaña representará en La Flèche durante el Festival Final del Proyecto SAFTAS  ya está escrita. En este momento la estamos traduciendo al inglés, lengua en la […]


Students from AS BARXAS interview Spanish actor Miguel de Lira

Cinema Spain Spain Theater Spain

Students from AS BARXAS in Moaña interview the popular actor Miguel de Lira. The meeting was possible during the festival OLLOBOI . Alumnos el instituto As BARXAS de Moaña entrevistan al conocido actor de teatro, cine y televisión  Miguel de Lira El encuentro tuvo lugar durante el  festival OLLOBOI Se han añadido subtítulos en inglés para que nuestros […]
